How to Restore Missing Backup tab in OneDrive

How to Restore Missing Backup tab in OneDrive Settings

Storing files on our computers is a good way to protect them, but backing them up to cloud-based storage services gives you extra protection. This is one of the best ways to ensure that your files are safe in case your computer crashes. Microsoft offers its users a reliable storage platform called OneDrive with up to 5 GB of free space. You can also increase your storage space. It is convenient to organize and store files.

However, users reported a missing tab in their OneDrive account settings menu. The Backup tab in Settings is missing and prevents them from proceeding with backing up their files. Luckily, missing tabs in OneDrive can be easily fixed using a few solutions. To help you with your backup restore tab, check out the procedures below and choose the procedures that work for you.

Read: How to Fix OneDrive Error code 0x8004de69?

Easy Way to Restore Missing Backup tab in OneDrive Settings

Solution 1 – Reset your OneDrive

  • Press Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog box.
  • Once opened, copy and paste %localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\onedrive.exe to open the OneDrive configuration. Click OK.
  • Log in to your account details.
  • Find the OneDrive icon in the taskbar and right-click on it to open the drop-down menu. Click on Settings.
  • Under the Settings tab, find Start OneDrive automatically when I log into Windows and check it. Click OK to save your changes.

Solution 2 – Restore your OneDrive

  • Go to Start and right-click. Select Run to open the Run dialog box. You can also press Windows+R together.
  • Then type appwiz.cpl and click OK.
  • In the list, find Microsoft OneDrive. Right-click on the folder and choose Uninstall. This will automatically remove OneDrive.
  • Restart your computer for the changes to apply.
  • After restarting your computer, go to the official website of OneDrive and download.
  • Once completed, follow the instructions to install the software on your computer.
  • Check if the Backup tab is now available.

Solution 3 – Edit via Registry Editor

  • Press Windows + R together to open the Run dialog box.
  • Once opened, type Regedit and click on enter. This will open Registry Editor.
  • Navigate to this location: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive
  • Once inside, find the OneDrive folder and click to open it.
  • Move the mouse to the right and find EnableMove and click to open. If you can’t find the EnableMove folder, it might not be available. You will need to make it. Right-click the OneDrive folder and click New. Click on D-WORD (32-bit) and rename the file to EnableMove.
  • After opening EnableMove, change the value data to 1. Click OK to save your changes.
  • Quit your Registry Editor and restart your computer to see if the Backup tab is restored.


The Restore Missing Backup tab will give you a fully functional OneDrive to back up your files again. Let us know in the comments below if any of these methods helped you do so.

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